Atlantic County home prices fell 2.5 percent in the quarter and were down 1.8 percent for the year. In Cumberland County, where only annual data is available, home prices were 0.8 percent lower at the end of 2013 than a year ago.

South Jersey is holding steady in home sales despite the devastation of Hurricane Sandy. Home owners are still selling and home buyers are always looking for homes to buy, especially if they can get a bargain. There are still homes in need of major repair because of the storm.



Title Insurance—What is it and why you need it!


We hear about it all the time. Title Insurance.

What is the title they are talking about? Well, it is the ownership you have on the home you just went through all the hoops you jumped through to get the closing at the closing table. It means that you own the home with no problems from others coming forward such as heirs saying that your home is their home. Title insurance protects you against that.

Title insurance protects you BEFORE something occurs so if and when it does since you paid for the insurance at the closing table. It is kind of like pre-coverage just in case something comes up that the title search didn’t reveal.

Failure to purchase the owner’s policy can be very risky. For instance, say you decide at the closing table to “SAVE” the cost of an owner’s title policy because the title had already been checked. However, unknown to the home buyer, the developer had not paid the construction bills on the home. A mechanic’s lien had been placed on the home and since the homeowner decided NOT to purchase the owner’s policy which would have protected the home buyer who was attempting to save money.

Attempting to save money costs the home buyer thousands of dollars. Don’t make the same mistake, PURCHASE YOUR TITLE INSURANCE!

Now You Have a CHOICE!

12490888-house-key-gold-real-estate-logoWell, the Sandy Grant was supposed to last for a few years but it seems to have disappeared. However, you now have a CHOICE with the CHOICE HOMEOWNERSHIP Program that has been revised. Stay Tuned! This loan is for NEW CONSTRUCTION. So if you’re interested in new construction in the Pleasantville NJ area, come back to the blog and I will be posting as I find out.


Does Your Upstairs Need Rehabbing?

4561615964034603580What I mean by that is, do you own a property in Atlantic City that has apartments “UPstairs” that need to be rehabbed in the 14-block Atlantic Avenue district. If you own such a property, you can get those rehabbing funds and offer tenants a great apartment to live in in the Atlantic City district.

The Atlantic County Improvement Authority will provide loans to qualified property owners who meet the criteria and have vacant rental units above commercial retail stores located from Michigan to Massachusetts Avenues.



It is your turn to tell me what you want to know. I can deliver a better blog if I know what you want to know. So please do me a favor and answer the question:

If I were the Realtor sitting with you at your home or the nearest bench or restaurant and we were discussing real estate, what would you want to know at this moment?

I have been writing for a while and thinking of different things that I THINK may be of interest to you but I want to be of the best service that I can be so you tell me what you want to know and how I can help.

Thank you for taking the time to respond.

Happy New Year Atlantic County NJ – What Happened?

Well, Alot happened. The economic downturn is still downturning. 14 million Americans are still out of work. Foreclosures are still piling up. We lost some fabulous people- some famous and some not so famous – Heavy D, Vesta Williams, Steve Jobs, Joe Frazier, Nick Ashford and Rev. Fred L. Shuttlesworth. Some of the media is saying that we may be going into a double dip recession.

I was watching Deep Impact last night with Morgan Freeman and Tea Leoni. Tea Leoni plays a rookie reporter looking for her “big break” on a gushy story. Well, she thinks she’s onto something when she speaks with one of the secretary’s who was let go from a former senator and believes that the Senator played by Jim Cromwell I believe is having an affair with a woman named Elle. Well, of course, come to find out Elle is actually E.L.E. – The end of the world with a big bang from an asteroid that will cause an Extinction Level Event – the end of the world. Of course, the government has been planning for the worse case scenario so they prepare for starting over again by building an underground facility to hold 1 million people – 200,000 scientists and medical people and only 800,000 who will be chosen by the computer as long as you’re not over 50. Anyway, I remember Morgan Freeman’s character saying that “the water will recede and we will go on” which meant that many won’t make it but there will be people left to move forward and forge ahead and create a new world.

This brings us to the end of 2011. We lost some great minds of science, some great musicians and regular citizens who all brought grace, elegance, love and fabulousness to those they knew personally and professionally. If we got a chance to get a piece of what they had to offer, we’re all the better for that. As we head into 2012, it is time to renew, re-create, re-generate and move forward never forgetting those who left us before and taking what they gave us with them.

WE WILL GO ON….Foreclosures will recede, 14 million Americans will get back to work,  we’ll never forget  those we lost and if a double dip recession does hit, we will deal with as we always have and get through. We will either elect a new President or re-elect President Obama…WE WILL GO ON.

Hope is Alive….H.A.R.P. is revised. Although it is limited to Freddie Mac and Fannie backed loans it is dropping the requirement that homes being refinanced have a new appraisal done. In September 2011, new home construction in the U.S. increased 15 percent compared to August according to the Commerce Department. U.S. home sales have decreased after a surge in August but I don’t believe that the dream of homeownership is completely dead.  I believe it has changed. How buyers have to buy will probably change meaning they will need a bigger downpayment. However, this should be looked upon as good news because better preparation overall for homeownership can only be good for everyone – the home buyer, the home seller and the economy overall.

In 10 hours Eastern time it will be January 1, 2012 – A New Year with new challenges and new dreams to conquer. We can do it. I believe we can. I believe we have everything in us that we need to succeed.

If I can offer my assistance in anyway to help you get the home of your dreams, sell the home you have now and move on to other adventures, Invest or if you just have questions please allow me the opportunity to earn your trust and be of service. Please leave a comment below asking your question and we can build a great relationship.

Have a Happy and Safe New Year Everyone – Be Blissful – Be Thankful

Do Home Sellers Have to Sell Differently in this Market?

Good Question. What has changed? The way buyers have to buy has changed  because of the tightening of credit standards with higher scores and no more credit issued without income verification and no more or very limited stated income – these things have changed. But what are buyers looking for? A nice home they love with all of the rooms and garage space and number of bathrooms and closets big enough for their current and future wardrobe and bedrooms large enough to comfortably accomodate their lovely furniture. A place they can call home.  No, that has not changed.

So home sellers in this market still have to do what has been done in the markets past – make their home stand out, make the home appealing for the buyer and most importantly price the home right for the market.

Are you ready, willing and able to do that – price your home right for the market. If you need help with pricing your home right, please leave me a comment or ask a question.

Atlantic County NJ — Buyers are Buying!!

At least according to the lastest numbers released by a trade group stating that pending home sales are up by a little over 10% according to contracts signed in October 2011. This number reflects that the market is moving and this may be attributed to the low mortgage rates that buyers are taking advantage of.

Does this reflect investor buyers or single family home buyers? If I had to guess, I would say probably investor buyers and some single family home buyers who have good credit and made their move at the right time to buy in this market.

I think it’s safe to say that for the most part no matter what the market is there will always be buyers as long as they have the money or the credit or access to someone else’s money or credit.

What does this mean for anybody who wants to buy? Get Prepared. Know Your Numbers — get your credit report, go over your finances, sit down and talk about it with your spouse or significant other. If you are a single buyer, do the same thing.

The real estate market is a cyclical market – meaning it goes around and around and you have to prepare to be ready when the cycle comes around.

Have questions? send me your questions at

Atlantic City NJ Revel Casino Hotel is Coming!

Wow — 500 Boardwalk is going to light up come Summer 2012 because the newest casino in Atlantic City, NJ is coming – Revel Casino Hotel.

The great thing about Revel is that the City of Atlantic City was able to create an opportunity for the residents of Atlantic City to be interviewed first for positions available at this great establishment. How cool is that. Revel is looking at the residents of Atlantic City as valuable assets to work in Atlantic City. This casino hotel will bring lots of needed jobs to the area for all levels of employees — from housekeeping to middle management. Upper management has already been put in place. This is a great opportunity for the residents of Atlantic City and Atlantic County as a whole because anyone who has the skill set for the open positions will be able to get back to work.

How awesome. Welcome Revel Hotel Casino.

Let’s get back to work Atlantic County, NJ!

Atlantic City Homeowners will receive FREE carbon monoxide detectors

That’s right. If you are a homeowner in Atlantic City who occupies their single-family home, you will receive a free carbon monoxide/smoke detector from the Atlantic City Fire Department. According to Chief Dennis Brooks at $35 per unit the cost may be too much for homeowners so they will be provided at no cost. The cost of these carbon monoxide/smoke dectectors will not come out of taxpayer funds.

The carbon monoxide/smoke detectors will be given out in different locations around Atlantic City. You can read the article in full to see where and when to pick up your carbon monoxide/smoke detector. This is a great program being offered by the Atlantic City Fire Department.