Have You Been Paying Your Mortgage on Time?

Well if you have been there is a program for you. It is by invitation only but you can enroll or join their mailing list. The program is called Responsible Homeowner Reward Program. This program was launched in 2010 by the Loan Value Group.

It is definitely worth a look see if you are current on your mortgage. Incentives especially money is ALWAYS GOOD :).

Check it out and see if you can take advantage….http://www.rhreward.com/.


What about the Capital Gains Tax?


Capital Gains Tax is usually associated with stocks and if you make a profit or income on the stock then you have to pay a capital gains tax. What about when you sell your home? Who is responsible for the capital gains tax?

Well, that would be YOU the homeowner.

If you’re in a short sale situation AND experiencing a job or business LOSS—consider the tax consequences of the capital gains tax BEFORE you sign that listing agreement. Talk to your tax attorney or CPA first. If you don’t have a tax attorney or CPA, find one who can explain the tax consequences on the sale especially if you are facing a job or business loss. The foreclosure mess is just that– a mess and anything we can do as Realtors to help clients do what is in THEIR best interest is of utmost importance. Do what is best for yourself as the homeowner. It may not be in your best interest to sell that home at that particular moment. It may be best to hold on for another 6 months and speak to a tax attorney or CPA about the tax consequences of selling your home.

When a homeowners sells their home, they usually have a period of six months to put those proceeds into a new home or face “capital gains” taxes on the difference. Realtors may not be aware of this as we are not tax experts so make sure as a homeowner you get in touch with a tax attorney or CPA who can explain where you stand so you can move forward without any tax nightmares following you.



I see that I had  a lot of views for the Pleasantville, New Jersey new home site of California Commons. Thank you for stopping by. I really appreciate it. Just a quick update: Groundbreaking will begin according to the developers End of July early August. If you have some interest and would like any questions answered, please reply to this post.


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I say YES IT DOES. Why? Because you cannot do anything if you don’t feel good. Buying or selling a home is a process. I remember taking my client to look at houses. This particular client (every  client is different) was very pro-active. We started out looking for bigger homes and he ended up with a smaller home. This created a very exhaustive search criteria. I have learned very much from that experience and will do a better job next time with my client. But that also lead me to the conclusion that you have to be HEALTHY when you take on the job of buying a home. Like I said above, it is a process and it can be very exhausting because it is emotional and anything that is emotional will drain you physically. If you are not relatively healthy, you will feel it.

How to avoid the physical energy drainage of home search? Take a minute to sit down as the buyer and think about what you really want. Sit yourself down in your favorite chair in your favorite room and take your time. There is no rush. Do your best to put your emotional feeling aside. If you already received a pre-approval from the mortgage company look at your numbers and know what you are able to financially pursue. Work with your Realtor. Your Realtor should be your friend, your ally in this process. You two or three or four are in this together. Keep your lines of communication open and be honest and take a time out if needed. But most of all HAVE FUN. My client and I had a ball looking at some crazy houses that we thought would be just perfect but when we actually got the opportunity to look inside — Oh boy— another story. It was great experience for both of us and now he is in his dream home and we are both pleased.

Your health plays an important role in all aspects of your life and buying or selling a home is no different. You need your strength and wits about you so get some extra rest if you have to and take some vitamin C to keep your immune system strong.

YOUR Health IS your WEALTH!

DISCLAIMER: Not prescribing any medication; just a suggestion based on personal experience.

American Made

762-royalty-free-content.jpgWe come upon another fourth of July tomorrow in 2013. America has been through a lot in the past few years. We’ve elected what is recorded as our first Black President, the housing debacle that turned most homeowners upside down and created more foreclosures than ever before and we’re still in recovery as I write these words.

The title of this post “AMERICAN MADE” meant something about 25-30 years ago maybe even longer. American Made meant made in America. America was a producing country. We produced a lot more than we produce now. America has become a nation of CONSUMERS – We consume everything and produce hardly anything compared to our past.

Our best paying jobs have been outsourced, there are no new jobs being created by Government. I truly believe Entrepreneurs will fill this gap going into the future like never before. I believe more Individuals will become Entrepreneurs and join with other Entrepreneurs who will merge together like corporations have been doing since they were created. Corporations do this because they know there is strength in numbers.It is time for us Individual Americans to stop worrying about just themselves and start seeing the bigger picture. Corporations understand — when will Individual Americans get it? United we Stand-Divided we have fallen.

Let’s make American made mean something again in this country or let’s create a new meaning for it. I promise you if we don’t, we individuals are going to suffer because corporations get it.

Happy Fourth of July America.

Are Your Property Taxes Too High?


Have you been thinking about appealing your property tax in New Jersey and you’re not sure where to start or even if you can? Well, you can appeal your taxes and you should if you feel they are too high.

Imagine you purchased your home and you looked at the tax bill and thought ok not too high. Then a few years go by and you notice that your tax bill is creeping up higher and higher. What is the next step?

You may want to hire a tax appeal firm to handle this for you. Some Realtors or agents may handle it for you or you may want to do it yourself.

Here is the link or paste it into your browser:

Don’t let them get away with raising your taxes without a fight.

To Your Tax Appeal Success,