It’s Like Dancing!

dancingSelling your home that is. Imagine you are excited about getting to your new location, getting on to the next phase of your life and there’s one thing holding up the festivities. You still have to get your home sold.

You’ve lived in that home for 10, 20, 30 years maybe more. You’ve raised your children, sent them off to college, they’ve come home with families of their own and maybe had to stay a while for one reason or another. Now, all the children and grandchildren are making their moves forward and now you and hubby can to– Once you get the house sold, that is.

Well, the Realtor you hired makes some suggestions. You decide to sell it “as is” because it’s easier on your pocket and you don’t have to make any repairs. So you have your home sitting on the market as she is in her glory. There’s no spark, no interest, no requests to see your home. Why? You haven’t prepared your home to dance. When buyers are looking at pictures online they want to be drawn to your home. What’s going to make that happen? You have to dress your home up for the dance.

You know how you want to go to the newest club in town and you want to check out the fellas and the fellas want to check out the ladies. Well, everyone shows up in their best outfit and dancing shoes to strut their stuff so they look their best on the dance floor and everyone is watching. Well, that’s the same preparation you have to make when selling your home. You have to prepare your home to dance with buyers so they want to come see your home and put in an offer. It doesn’t have to be expensive. With all of the shows on channels like HGTV and Living Network etc there are inexpensive tips to beautifying any home on just about any budget. You have to be willing to do the work or pay someone to do it for you if you really don’t have the time.

Preparing your home to dance with buyers will help your home sell faster maybe for more money and you can move on to your next phase without all of the unnecessary stress so get your home dancing and get it sold. procrastinate4561615964034603581