“I want to Sell my house but I’m NOT Giving it Away”

12957047-house-in-lifebuoy-property-insurance-conceptWhat does your Seller mean when he, she or they (if a couple) makes that statement? It simply means that your sellers are going to want to introduce their home to the market at the highest price possible which could mean – Overpriced! As Realtors, we have to educate our sellers that selling their home as quickly for the highest price possible doesn’t always mean to price start Overpriced. If the home stays on the market too long at the higher price, the home may lose some value points because Buyers may think something is wrong with the home because it’s been on the market for over 30-60-90 days.

Think about it. Homes that sell the quickest for the most money are the homes that are priced right when they enter the market place.

Sellers do yourself a favor and work with your Realtor to price the home right the first time so it won’t be on the market longer than necessary and Sellers can get their home sold and on to their next Life Adventure.

If I can be of service to assist you in getting your home Sold, please email me at sellbuyandinvest@gmail.com.