I didn’t Move in Until 3 months later!

I’m going to share a little piece of myself in this blog post that is both personal and real estate related so I figured why not….so here it goes.

I have been on my own personal journey of wanting to be my own boss, work for myself, fire my boss — since I watched Robert Kiyosaki’s infomercial, You Can Choose to be Rich. richdadAfter I saw that informercial I knew that was it for me and I wasn’t gonna stop until I got there. Well, little did I know it would be a helluva journey that I am still traveling. And while I have made great progress, there is always room for improvement and a lot to learn. The greatest lessons we learn on this journey I have discovered and you may agree — are the lessons we learn about our individual self. Yeah, you remember the words to Michael Jackson’s song …”I’m starting with the man in the mirror”… Michael Jackson Yep! that’s where it all begins and in my case the woman in the mirror -m.e. I had a lot to admit about myself – that woman in the mirror if I was going to elevate to my highest best self and be the best me that I could be. Damn. That’s not easy. It’s difficult to admit the truth about yourself. However, we cannot change what we will not acknowledge.

Ok. Great. What the hell does all of that have to do with real estate? Great question. I have been living in my home since October 2015. I love my home. It’s great to have the extra space, the extra bedroom. Here’s the rub. I purchased my home in July. Did you catch that? July. I told you I’ve been living in my home since October. Huh? I closed in July. I didn’t move in until October. Why? Because I felt unworthy. I had difficulty processing the reception of my gift and I had perfectionism issues. My good friend kept asking me….”Uh Simone dear you closed 2 months ago, when are you moving in? My niece asked me, “Aunty, when are you moving in? Frankly, I got tired of people asking me and I had to ask myself well Simone when the hell are you moving in? I got up and walked into the bathroom in my old apartment and looked at the woman in the mirror and asked that question. I was so angry at myself. I had to admit that I had feelings of unworthiness and didn’t deserve to live in my home. I got mad again and looked at myself in that mirror and said, “Simone – what the hell is wrong with you?” I have worked hard, I’m a good person, I deserve to move into my new home and enjoy it. Who said I didn’t deserve it? Well, if I said that at any time, hear me loud and clear Universe, God etc. – I deserve it, I’m worthy of this and I’m moving in. That was the first and last time I’ve had that conversation with myself and I haven’t looked back since that day. I’m fixing up and enjoying my new home. I’m learning alot about being a new homeowner as well. That’s another blog post!

Whew! That was a little bit more challenging than I thought however I felt I needed to share it as someone may benefit from my experience and know they’re not alone.

Look at yourself in the mirror. Tell yourself whatever you need to in order to remove that limiting belief and go get whatever it is you desire. You Deserve it!