memorial-day-logo-type-14074668That’s right. June 3, 2013 the rules will change for some not all of the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) mortgages that allow homeowners to stop paying MIP – mortgage insurance protection. This was a temporary additional payment for five years and then the homeowner was allowed to stop making this additional payment and keep that money for something else. Now, come June 3, 2013 for some of these loans that payment will become permanent lasting for the life of the loan.

In order to protect yourself from this permanent payment, you would have to have an already existing FHA case number and be “grandfathered” into this protection now. Be sure to ask your mortgage broker or banker about this protection. It will help.

YOUR THOUGHTS: Do you think this is fair? Yes? No. Why? Why not?
Feel free to leave your comments and thank you for stopping by. 🙂


What If You Missed The NJ Deparatment of Community Affairs Friday May 17 Event?

If you missed the NJ Department of Community Affairs Friday, May 17, 2013 Event at the Atlantic City Convention Center from 2-5:30 p.m. information seminar that they held then you can go to their website at to find some more information about what you missed.

The seminar was for tenants who were displaced by Hurricane Sandy and some in attendance were given vouchers on the spot and others the days following the seminar at the Convention Center.

Check the site above if you missed it and good fortune to all who are searching for a new place to call home.

What Is Going On Around Town?

imagesCAU0UOCMWell, in Atlantic City at the Convention Center on Friday between 2-5:30 p.m. New Jersey Department of Community Affairs sponsored an Housing Rental event for those displaced by Hurricane Sandy. Landlords and Realtors were in attendance and some were given special Section 8 vouchers. But what if you missed it? Check back tomorrow and I will put some more information as I receive it from the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs.

Homeownership and Mothers!

Well tomorrow is Sunday, May 12, 2013 and the date of our celebrated Mother’s Day in America and maybe worldwide. Why this topic in this order today? Well, I grew up in the projects in Brooklyn did not live in a home. Now don’t get me wrong. I have family members who know nothing about living in an apartment as they have always lived in a home and I have visited them often and spent nights and weekends. What does all of this have to do with homeownership and Mothers?

Well, most athletes who grew up poor the first thing they usually say is they are going to buy their mom a home because she worked so hard all of those years usually to keep the family together while always wishing for a nice home to call her own. That is a beautiful gift for sons or daughters (now with the WNBA) 🙂 to give to their mothers.

Homeownership is a great gift to give and a great gift to receive. Both the giver and receiver feel wonderful from both sides of the same coin.

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IT IS CALLED California Commons. They are offering3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, Hardwood Floors, ceramic tile in the bathrooms and kitchen with ENERGY STAR efficient lighting, heating, cooling and appliances.

If you would like to find out how to get into these new homes, please leave me a comment below. It would be a pleasure to SERVE!

OSHA Fines 26 Firms from Sandy Jobs

Federal inspectors have fined 26 firms for approximately $110,000 for unsafe workplaces in New Jersey shore towns while they were cleaning up and repairing damage from Hurricane Sandy. OSHA – Occupational Safety and Health Administration has documented more than 60 storm-related job sites in New Jersey’s coastal communities during the past since Sandy hit. Most of the violations were on Long Beach, where 12 different contractors were cited in Long Beach Township, Beach Haven and Ship Bottom.

What’s Happening in Atlantic City?

You might have missed it but Saturday, April 27, 2013 at a local building – 1 S. New York Avenue – there was a Hurricane Sandy Environmental, Economic and Health Impacts Conference. I didn’t find out about but I was walking by the building and saw the sign and was happy I did and went inside. It was from 9-3 p.m. I arrived at 2 so I did miss a lot and stayed until the end. The little bit of information I did hear was good. I spoke to a couple that was leaving with me and asked them had they been there all day. They said they had and was very pleased with the event because FEMA gave a lot of information and they would speaking with their insurance company on Monday to ask the great questions that were suggested. While I was there the gentleman who is the insurance specialist for FEMA was, in my opinion, speaking against public insurance adjusters. He was saying that people should beware of them because they cannot always get you the amount of money they say they can. I’m not sure about that because everybody is always trying to take from the little guy and you know how big government is but of course you do your own due diligence and decide what is best for you. From my point of view, public insurance adjusters do a pretty decent job but just like any other industry there is always room for improvement.

If you like Jazz and you’re going to be in the area, make plans to eat, drink, relax and unwind. On May 26, 2013 at the Boneyard Bar & Grill, 20 Virginia Avenue Don’t Miss 4 Octave vocalist Shiron Denise and Tony “WoJamm” Womack on trumpet. For more info visit

And if you still need help with the FEMA process call for an appointment 609-541-2189 or stop by 1 S. New York Avenue, Suite 401, Monday-Friday 9-5.imagesCAU0UOCM

Atlantic City Still Hot on the Market?

It seems that Atlantic City still has some selling power if Investor Carl Icahn has refused to buy Atlantic City’s Trump Plaza for $20 Million because he said that price is too low.

What else is going on in Atlantic City?

Stop FEMA now? What is this? A grassroots organization started by George Kasimos to

raise elevation standards as well as insurance premiums on homeowners in Atlantic City, Barnegat, Ventnor, Longport as a result of Hurricane Sandy. STOP FEMA Now held their second meeting with 50 homeowners and a half-dozen elected officials at Council Chambers at City Hall on April 20, 2013.