Are You Ready To Sell Your Home?

Are You Ready To Sell Your Home?

Whew! That can bring a lot of emotional feelings to the forefront. Sell? Your Home? The place you’ve built memories, raised children, had a lovely marriage? OR you could have experienced some awful experiences because as we all know not everything is coming up roses. But in any case you’re ready to sell. What’s next?

There are a lot of questions, feelings and emotions that go into such a decision. Do you want to sell it yourself and save that pesky commission? It’s ok. You can because you don’t have to have a Realtor to sell your home. You can sell it yourself. Just keep in mind there is a lot involved in selling your home yourself. You have to keep the house presentable at all times for when you will show your home. Make sure you know who is coming into your home because people don’t always have the best intentions. Do you have small children or an elder living with you? Can you make arrangements for the children and your elder on a dime in order to be ready for the house to show? Where are you going to hide your valuables while you’re showing the home. Are you going to walk through the home with each family that wants to see it? Ugh! That is a lot of work to do to prepare to sell your home. Not to mention getting the house in “ready to sell” shape. Did you have an inspection to have another set of professional eyes point out the flaws you will miss or don’t think are flaws at all? Are you prepared to put money into the house to sell it and may not make a profit on the money you put in? How reasonable will you be when someone puts in a low-ball offer? How will you handle yourself when someone criticizes your home?

Keep in mind this is all in addition to preparing to go to your next home. You’re not selling the home and staying there—you’re moving on to newer and better things but you want to do all of this “stuff” right.

My mother always told me, “Just because you can do something doesn’t always mean you should”. Now that is not a knock at anyone who is determined to sell their own home. There are those determined individuals who will do it no matter what AND they WILL get it done. Bravo. Good for them. If you truly want to you can but sometimes a little help can and does go a long way. Think about it.

If you still want to sell your own home there are plenty of books to help you do so.

If you would like a little help….Let me Know.

A little help never hurt anyone.

To Your Peace of Mind

Hurricane Sandy prompts new Zones for New Jersey Region

images (25)The preliminary zones have been mapped out for Atlantic County, New Jersey. The final maps will not be released until 2014 or 2015. The Velocity or “V” zones which usually require homes with flood insurance to prepare for 3 foot waves were reduced by eighty percent in Atlantic County. The new maps have eliminated the “V” zones in large sections of Margate, Ventnor, Atlantic City and Brigantine.

To read further,

Are You House Ready?


How Do You Know?

There are a few ways to determine whether or not you’re ready to buy a home. First and foremost you are in control so ask yourself, “Am I really ready to buy a home right now”? Be honest with yourself. How did you feel when you asked yourself that question? Did you feel nervous? Scared? Butterflies? Knees Buckling? Good. That just means you are about to step into a very emotional decision-making process and a little fear is ok. Use the fear to catapult you to doing what needs to be done not whimp out and say, “No, I can’t do that yet”. Unless of course there is a really good reason like heavy debt. If you have too much debt that takes away from what you could be using to pay that mortgage then no you’re not ready yet but you can make the decision to get ready. How? Well, this is easy but some people resist doing this one small activity.

1. Clear your schedule.
2. Turn off TV and cell.
3. Get a piece of paper and a pen or your kindle, phone, iPad.
4. Write down ALL of the bills you have (credit card debt, rent, cell phone(s), cable, electric, gas, food, renter’s insurance, daycare (if applicable), etc.

Make a list of every bill you pay and then consider if you are buying a $100,000 home your mortgage could be $1100 or more. That is just a guess considering you may be paying less for rent depending on where you live. Some people are paying as much as $1400 for rent so this would be a dream for you if you could pay less of a mortgage and have that extra $300-400 in your pocket. After going through this simple activity, how much is left over? Not much?
Then you may not be house ready and you have some decisions to make such as HOW can I eliminate some bills to make room for a mortgage? Am I ready to do that? Be honest with yourself. If not, then NO you’re not ready for a house. If so then maybe you will be ready to sit down and think of ways to cut down on your bills and see where that road takes you. It is doable but you have to put the work in.

I can help you get there but you have to take the first step.

Thoughts, comments and feedback is ALWAYS welcome.

To Your New Home

Grant Money Available

Grant Money Available

See if You are Eligible

If you were impacted by Hurricane Sandy and live in one of the nine most impacted counties, Atlantic, Bergen, Cape May, or Essex, Hudson, Middlesex, Monmouth Ocean, Union then you may be eligible for a grant of up to $10,000. Remember, grants DO NOT HAVE TO BE REPAID so you will have to make sure you are eligible in order to take advantage of this Resettlement Grant.

The other grant is for rehabilitation and repair – RREM – Rehabilitation, Reconstruction, Elevation and Mitigation. Homeowners will be eligible for up to $150,000.

You can apply online or call. or 1-855-726-3946.



New Jersey Department of Community Affairs(DCA) Commissioner Richard E. Constable, III, Chair of the NJ Housing Mortgage and Financing Agency (HMFA) announced that HMFA has received $1.1 million to support New Jersey’s Foreclosure prevention counseling efforts.

New Jersey homeowners at risk of foreclosure can work with qualified counselors to improve their financial management skills, better manage relationships with lenders and receive assistance in obtaining a loan modification cure.

To find out more information, visit To find a participating housing counseling agency in New Jersey, visit

(1) Article courtesy of The ACTIMES, May 29, 2013 issue.

The Rodeo is Coming Back to Atlantic City

ImageFor the third year in a row now and by popular demand, the Rodeo is returning to Boardwalk Hall. Tickets went on sale May 24, 2013 at noon and are priced at $20, $30, $50 and $80. Those who purchased their tickets between May 24 and May 31 received a FREE cowboy hat with each ticket. Darn if you missed that :(. 

This wonderful event sanctioned by the PRCA – Professional Rodeo Cowboy Association – will bring the biggest rodeo on the East Coast to Atlantic City.

There will be seven exciting events including bareback riding, tie-down roping, saddle bronc riding, etc. For tickets go to the Boardwalk Hall Box Office or or call 800-736-1420.