American Made

762-royalty-free-content.jpgWe come upon another fourth of July tomorrow in 2013. America has been through a lot in the past few years. We’ve elected what is recorded as our first Black President, the housing debacle that turned most homeowners upside down and created more foreclosures than ever before and we’re still in recovery as I write these words.

The title of this post “AMERICAN MADE” meant something about 25-30 years ago maybe even longer. American Made meant made in America. America was a producing country. We produced a lot more than we produce now. America has become a nation of CONSUMERS – We consume everything and produce hardly anything compared to our past.

Our best paying jobs have been outsourced, there are no new jobs being created by Government. I truly believe Entrepreneurs will fill this gap going into the future like never before. I believe more Individuals will become Entrepreneurs and join with other Entrepreneurs who will merge together like corporations have been doing since they were created. Corporations do this because they know there is strength in numbers.It is time for us Individual Americans to stop worrying about just themselves and start seeing the bigger picture. Corporations understand — when will Individual Americans get it? United we Stand-Divided we have fallen.

Let’s make American made mean something again in this country or let’s create a new meaning for it. I promise you if we don’t, we individuals are going to suffer because corporations get it.

Happy Fourth of July America.

Happy New Year Atlantic County NJ – What Happened?

Well, Alot happened. The economic downturn is still downturning. 14 million Americans are still out of work. Foreclosures are still piling up. We lost some fabulous people- some famous and some not so famous – Heavy D, Vesta Williams, Steve Jobs, Joe Frazier, Nick Ashford and Rev. Fred L. Shuttlesworth. Some of the media is saying that we may be going into a double dip recession.

I was watching Deep Impact last night with Morgan Freeman and Tea Leoni. Tea Leoni plays a rookie reporter looking for her “big break” on a gushy story. Well, she thinks she’s onto something when she speaks with one of the secretary’s who was let go from a former senator and believes that the Senator played by Jim Cromwell I believe is having an affair with a woman named Elle. Well, of course, come to find out Elle is actually E.L.E. – The end of the world with a big bang from an asteroid that will cause an Extinction Level Event – the end of the world. Of course, the government has been planning for the worse case scenario so they prepare for starting over again by building an underground facility to hold 1 million people – 200,000 scientists and medical people and only 800,000 who will be chosen by the computer as long as you’re not over 50. Anyway, I remember Morgan Freeman’s character saying that “the water will recede and we will go on” which meant that many won’t make it but there will be people left to move forward and forge ahead and create a new world.

This brings us to the end of 2011. We lost some great minds of science, some great musicians and regular citizens who all brought grace, elegance, love and fabulousness to those they knew personally and professionally. If we got a chance to get a piece of what they had to offer, we’re all the better for that. As we head into 2012, it is time to renew, re-create, re-generate and move forward never forgetting those who left us before and taking what they gave us with them.

WE WILL GO ON….Foreclosures will recede, 14 million Americans will get back to work,  we’ll never forget  those we lost and if a double dip recession does hit, we will deal with as we always have and get through. We will either elect a new President or re-elect President Obama…WE WILL GO ON.

Hope is Alive….H.A.R.P. is revised. Although it is limited to Freddie Mac and Fannie backed loans it is dropping the requirement that homes being refinanced have a new appraisal done. In September 2011, new home construction in the U.S. increased 15 percent compared to August according to the Commerce Department. U.S. home sales have decreased after a surge in August but I don’t believe that the dream of homeownership is completely dead.  I believe it has changed. How buyers have to buy will probably change meaning they will need a bigger downpayment. However, this should be looked upon as good news because better preparation overall for homeownership can only be good for everyone – the home buyer, the home seller and the economy overall.

In 10 hours Eastern time it will be January 1, 2012 – A New Year with new challenges and new dreams to conquer. We can do it. I believe we can. I believe we have everything in us that we need to succeed.

If I can offer my assistance in anyway to help you get the home of your dreams, sell the home you have now and move on to other adventures, Invest or if you just have questions please allow me the opportunity to earn your trust and be of service. Please leave a comment below asking your question and we can build a great relationship.

Have a Happy and Safe New Year Everyone – Be Blissful – Be Thankful

Atlantic County NJ – Borrowers can get the lowest prices but America needs to get Back to Work and Homeowners should consider Paying Off Their Mortgage – Sooner!

Why? Because it will create wealth. You won’t have that dreaded mortgage (which  means death pledge) hanging over your head forever. According to the article for which I provided a link to read, lending for homeownership is at its lowest point since 1997 and buyers are looking at renting instead of owning. Why? Unemployment is very shaky and America needs to get back to work. Getting America back to work should be the priority of President Obama and all of Congress, all of the Senators, and anyone else who has been elected to public office. Without the ability for America to be able to return to work and make well over minimum wage, America will become a nation of renters -again. And for the majority I think it’s safe to say that Americans want to own their own home but we have to do it right.

I believe this time around Americans should pay off their mortgage sooner than later which will allow us to own our homes, create wealth and put other things in motion like earlier retirement, more vacations, and leave more wealth for future generations if they so choose or give it to them now or leave them nothing at all if you listen to Warren Buffet who feels that inheritances are welfare for the rich.

You decide but the way we are going now is counterproductive to American Life. What do you think?

Should Americans become more Financially Literate?

My last post begged the question if Atlantic County, NJ buyers should consider making a larger downpayment when purchasing their home looking at the current economic condition we are facing and it looks like this type of financial environment is going to continue. So this got me to thinking should that question be extended to all Americans or even the world over?

Past articles have stated that Americans are the poorest savers – meaning Americans do not save their money suggesting that we are consumers not producers and at retirement age the average American has only $250 in cash savings. Other countries  – China and Japan for example – are considered to be avid savers by saving 20% of their income. They practice what Robert Kiyosaki of Rich Dad Poor Dad fame, calls paying yourself first by “paying themselves 20%” upfront by putting it aside in an account. Before they pay a bill. The book, The Richest Man in Babylon, states that “A portion of what I earn is mine to keep”   and at least Japan and China believe and have committed to that discipline. 

I believe it is time for a major paradigm shift in this country from poverty consciousness to wealth consciousness and it is way overdue and I also believe that if we (Americans) as a whole don’t choose to make that change, it will be made for us and it won’t be pretty. To that end, I created a blog I call, “Become Financially Literate” take a peek if you like. I’d love the feedback if you care to share.

Be Joyous Be Abundant Be Grateful